Hiyo Silver, Away!

Hiyo Silver, Away!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 2

August 2

Today was a day bikers dream about…clear skies, a light breeze, long down hills and flats along a river with bends in the road every quarter mile so you can see down the river and the surrounding mountains. This was our best day yet. We saw our first bull moose and in the early afternoon, after 80 miles of pedaling over the Lolo Pass, found a secluded campsite along the Lochsa River that had a nice deep water pool where we could swim. In Idaho you can camp just about anywhere on public property and we found a small river access road that led down to the Lochsa called the White Pine River Access in the Clearwater National Forest…truly beautiful. Idaho is state number eight of the Lewis and Clark Trail.

1 comment:

  1. Your adventures continue to astound. The pictures are off the charts -- and I mean that. They are million dollar pictures and deserve to be published somewhere, somehow. They are representative of what one sees in their travels across America or what America looks like to those that haven't a clue or haven't had the opportunity to travel America -they are magnificent, Jamye. Larry you are an incredible biker and you so look the part -- Tour de France next?? The bull moose is phenomenal and unbelieveable (can't believe you got so close or that your camera is so good!), though you look pretty phenomenal too -- loved you both in the river, these are truly WOW pictures -- keep them coming. So happy to be getting your updates once again. Love you both so much. Sis xoxoxo:-)
